This is a repost written while a Therapist at Imagine Hope Counseling Group
My quote came 7 years ago when my son was 5 years old. We were playing basketball on the wii. I was struggling learning how to play it and he already knew how to play. I was trying to focus on the quality time but apparently my face was showing my frustration. My son then hugged me and said, “It’s okay, Mommy! Keep trying! Never give up hope!” I literally stopped in my tracks (or on my wii court!). It hit me that he IS actually listening to me and he is getting what I am teaching him. And what an encouragement to keep going! I obviously kept going and let him know how much his encouragement meant to me. I became one of the best wii 3 point shooters in our family!
This quote is a reminder of three things actually:
1. Our kids ARE listening, even when it doesn’t seem like it.
2. Be an encouragement. My son could have made fun of me, laughed, or just focused on the fact that he was beating the daylights out of me!
3. Never give up hope! Keep trying!
As a side note, I’m so grateful that I write things down that my kids say in a journal I keep for them. I know I would have forgotten this precious moment. If you haven’t started one yet, no matter what age, it’s never too late. You can write down quotes or just fun things you do together. One day they will love reading it!
So, be an encouragement and never give up hope!