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My Blog

I love to write. I enjoy learning and sharing what I learn with others. Life is full of daily lessons. Some small and some not so small. Some of my blogs are recycled from way back and some are new. I hope you’ll enjoy some quiet time while you read my blog.

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Growing in difficult times

Growing in difficult times

Raffiiki “It’s in the past!” Simba “But it still hurts!” Raffiki “Learn from it?”

I LOVE this line from the movie The Lion King. It reminds me of how important it is to learn from our pain and from our past. Sometimes we just see pain as hurt and sorrow.  We might ask “Why is all this happening to me?” But sometimes, if we dig a little deeper, these are excellent opportunities for stretching ourselves and growing beyond what normal day to day life allows.

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Perfect Moments

Perfect Moments

Perfect Moments… I love them. Those moments when time stands still for just a moment and something is etched into your memory.

I first became aware of Perfect Moments when I read “Chasing Daylight” by Gene O’Kelly. It is an AWESOME book that I highly recommend. I started noticing them more and realized I have them many times a day- if I just pay attention.

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Life’s Most Persistent Question~ “What have you done for me lately?”

Every year when Martin Luther King Day comes around, I think about him. I think about what rights members of my family have because of what he and so many others sacrificed. It amazes me that it was just less than 50 years ago that this all took place. It seems so long ago to live a life where we were all so separate. And that was “normal”.  Although I am not naive enough to believe that prejudice no longer exists, I am grateful for how far we have come.  

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What’s your climate?

So what’s the climate when you’re around? Is it nice, peaceful, and calm? Or is it chaotic, anxiety provoking, and full of turmoil? I think about this sometimes when I am around certain friends or family members. It’s like I prepare myself with my “raincoat” to shield myself from “the storm”. Know what I mean? Or I feel myself get anxious and try to gain some control when someone that is a tornado is coming thru.

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Services I Provide

Individual Counseling

Couples Counseling

Relationship Counseling

Family Counseling

Therapy for Therapists

Supervision for newly trained therapists

Consulting for therapists starting private practice

Ready for a Reset?

I currently have a waiting list for both in person and Telehealth sessions.  Contact me to find out timeframe.