This is a re-post from 2009 as a Therapist at Imagine Hope Counseling Group.
A few years ago, my husband was driving with my son, who at the time was 3 years-old. My husband saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky. He showed my son but he couldn’t see it. See, my son was too young to understand what a rainbow was. He kept asking him, “Where is it, Daddy? I can’t see it!” He wanted to see it so bad but he couldn’t, because he didn’t know what he was looking for. You sometimes have to really focus in the sky and know what you are looking for to see a rainbow.
He told me about it and of course, I went straight to an analogy in my head. It reminded me of how we can be as new Christians. We aren’t sure what we are looking for so it is sometimes hard to know and see blessings or God winks. It is hard to see lessons in the journey- definite things God is teaching us. Sometimes I can be like that even now. It’s hard to see the good God is doing in my life because of some pain.
I have to remind myself- remember to look for the rainbow and if you can’t see it, trust it is there because “Daddy” says it is! If you are a new Christian or even a seasoned one, don’t forget to look for the rainbows. Trust they are there.